7 Years Later….

Wow, I can’t believe its been 7 years since I last posted something. Now this wasnt down to choice more life getting in the way.

From family, kids , work and all the bits in between from moves to hardships and of course lockdown. But let’s not dwell, revisit the past, or linger in things past.

So why am I suddenly posting out of the blue, eventhough in all likelihood I’ve lost the following i had and the friends who tended to visit my pages for a quick update on how fatherhood was progressing as well as my quest on publishing a book!

Well the kids are well, and growing up. I still can’t believe how fast its all happened, you know I often heard it from the older generation and my parents ‘within a blink of an eye, they’ll be grown, and wanting their own space ‘. Now I always thought, this would happen but my kner monologue always chided me with ‘pah! I have years in the bank what’re you taking about, they’re tiny, and they’ll need me forever…’

But.. I blinked… and they’re teens. No longer wanting to spend time with their amazing, cool, down to earth and hip father. They have work to do, jobs to uphold, school and college work to complete… which is all well and amazing of course, but I do miss the days when they looked up at me, asking me to feed them a snack a yoghurt or just wanting to play. Breaks my heart a little.

But hey, dynamics change and life plays out as its meant to. I’m proud of what they’re becoming and what they’ve achieved. They’re amazing individuals both a little different in their own way.

So thats the family aspect, but where am I with the whole writing aspect. Well after a number of long years of stopping and starting, I’ve finally… managed to complete and self publish a novel. And I have to say it feels good, it was one of the things on my bucket list I so wanted to tick off, and an aspiration of mine to call myself a ‘published author’.

I started so many small projects, but often flitted between them all , but finally in the last year knuckled down. Got an amazing editor on board, got my head down, and finished one of my stories. As easy as it sounds writing the last bit, there was so much painstaking effort and discipline involved. Some days after a days worth of writing I had to bin the vast majority of it, some days it was just a day of writes block. Did it come easy and naturally to me? Hell no, it was a difficult thing to do.

But my editor pushed me , providing brutally honest feedback of what worked and what was utter tripe ! Which sounds a bit harsh, but was exactly what I needed to push on and actually finish and put in the work. And finally allow me to publish. So thank you Essence Agency for always having my back as well as providing me with the motivation I needed in order to finish my book.

Now I won’t reveal much about the book but I will leave the synopsis for your reading pleasure …

Cade Hunter is a has-been. A once shining star of Hollywood, he now festers in his multi-million dollar home with only his cleaner and his long-time agent/come friend, Andy, to care about his demise, his booze and substance abuse.
In a last attempt to get him clean and reinvigorate his once lucrative career, Andy checks him in to an exclusive rehab centre where only the rich and famous can get a pass.

Soon after arriving Cade starts to feel a menacing presence observing his every move. His past starts to come back to haunt him and Cade starts to question his very existence. Behind the expensive marble facade, is everything truly as it seems at The Ivy or should Cade run for the hills and save himself?

I really hope, this motivates someone out there to go out, finish their novel or even start one. There are so many resources out there, which aid your writing style, motivation as well as amazing editors. I personally self published a digital copy on Amazon. And maybe ill reach out to some publishers for the hard back version.. watch this space. Happy to answer any questions you may have, just leave a commentary ill reach out.

Its available here:


For those that get the opportunity to read the book, I hope you enjoy it. I have started my next book, so maybe ill see you in another 7 years (I promise it’ll be sooner than that!)

Thanks for reading, as ever wishing you health , wealth and happiness.


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